Tag Archives: homeopathic remedies

Dr. Wonderful Plan of Action Starve the Cancer Feed the Body

21 Feb
holistic treatment against cancer

Buford is tired out after his visit with the holistic vet.

I had my meeting with Dr. Wonderful ($165 initial consult) who, is a licensed vet for 17 years. Doing herbal and holistic treatments for only 6, Dr. Wonderful only treats several holistic clients at a time.

Two Hours

Just to learn a few basics took me two hours and Buford was extremely agitated and nervous during this initial consultation, continually pacing and not acting himself…until the strange vampire like thing happened. (see below.) I had a headache from stress and I was trying to soak it all up, but it seemed like so much information.

What to Expect From Alternative Treatment

The bottom line, is the holistic and homeopathic world is meant to aid your system with natural herbs and remedies and raw foods and whole foods, building it up into a healthier system to where it can fight back against the “bad things” and you can detoxify or expel the bad once every so often.

Plan of Action With My Dog

The plan of action for this type thing is to Stave the Cancer (removing the foods like carbs and sugars that it needs to thrive) and feed your body totally differently. (Or in this case the dog’s) Basically it will hopefully take longer to kill my pet.

Will this cure the cancer? No.

Will this prolong the life of my dog?   We hope.

Can we see proof of this?  Perhaps with the next sonagram.

The Strange Vampire Thing

My dog was freaking out and shaking so bad, and of course stress is no good for Cancer patients.  I gave Dr. Wonderful permission to do what they wanted to do to calm my dog. After all, the last time Buford got this worked up they had to put him on an EKG and it cost me $500.  Dr. Wonderful would then take some blood out of his leg and inject it into the subcutaneous tissues in his back, along with poking some acupuncture? needles into his back. ($85 extra) I didn’t want to see this as I’m sick with the thought of blood or needles.  I thought it was all kind of strange and well, vampire-like but all I can tell you is the whole ride home Buford was amazingly calm, and I’m not sure what to think of this.

Treatment Plan and Additives

Dr. Wonderful also took some blood to make him some special remedies ($105) which I will pick up and start him on in a week.  Yes, he will be drinking his own blood. Ewww.

I had to keep him on the things I have him own, but also go and get some probiotics (90 day supply $80) to give him one per day. I have to order some mushroom caps which I haven’t done yet. They are very expensive.

It’s now  time to start the raw foods. Or sort of raw. Or something that sounds totally yucky to me. Add some herbs, some remedies, some vitamins and see what happens.

Prognosis: Diet = 90% of the remedy and solution for this plan of action.

Buford’s Health Now: Calm and serene.

Initial Improvement with Herbs and Remedies

17 Feb basset hound cancer

basset hound cancerAfter the remedies and herbs arrived, I began giving them to Buford in his food. The R17 drops you had to put on his tongue. My brother game me a plastic dropper but Buford found me coming at him from all angles with a big rubber dropper evasive. I had to pry open his mouth and shoot in the liquid to which he flailed and does not like this method.  I am not trying to cause him any more stress. I even asked him to open up and he walked out of the room. What is he not telling me?

In three days his poop became solid, he was not eating grass and feeling better.  It’s a real problem getting the R17 onto his tongue. I am ready for the next step and to get a little help.

I have a vet appointment with Dr. Wonderful on 2/20.  Dr . Wonderful is my new holistic vet.


Bufords Overall Health : Stomach better but really aggravated with me.

Alternative Cancer Treatment Plan Day 1

13 Feb

The first thing I did was my own research. Unfortunately, one can get lost on the alternative treatments out there as so many herbs and holistic remedies and tinctures have healing properties. How many should you use and in what quantities? One could be there a lifetime trying to sort it out.  And you don’t want to spontaneously combust your dog. You really need someone who is familiar with herbs and healing properties.

It’s also very confusing. Some reports state Garlic is a natural cancer killer, other sites claim garlic is almost toxic to dogs and should be illegal…..so your head spins wondering what to do and what not to do.

Here is what I did based on my own research.   I ordered from DKO Natural the following and why:

Coral Calcium Tabs – 1000 mg  (beware of source, must get it from good coral reefs, said to aid in cancer fight) Much has been publicized about this and some studies to back it up, some studies claim it was a hoax, but again, it’s all in what you read and want to try and want to believe.  I really think source has a lot to do with everything.

Fish Oil from Norway –   The fish oil tabs I get at Sam’s Club just aren’t going to be high quality enough and I wanted an oil that I could mix into his food.  Fish oil and Flaxseed oils are great in helping “oil the system” and fight cancer.

Vitamin C Tabs : 1000 mg  (why? you can’t really overdose your dog on it, in fact anything he doesn’t breakdown will be urinated out, but even the Mayo Clinic has publicized how Vitamin C aids in killing cancer cells…truth is Cancer can’t thrive in acidic circumstances. When I think of orange juice, I think of natural fruit acids. )

Dr. Rekeweg’s R17 Tumor Drops. 

Why ? I read this article about how a vet was using them on a pit bull with bone cancer. What’s relly in them, I don’t know, but I can smell some alcohol which obviously it’s mixed with.a

All this: About a 3 month supply for $117+ $26.95 Shipped to Me (I had them priority mailed for an extra upcharge).

I then spent $30 on an amethyst necklace to put around his neck.


Buford’s health:  Nervous.  Me: Crying every night. I’d rather not know what’s going on to be honest.


About My Dogs Health History and Diagnosis with Colo Rectal Cancer

1 Feb basset hound cancer

basset hound cancer

When I started this blog:

Buford was four months shy of 13. To be honest, he is already living on borrowed time. For a basset hound he’s doing quite well.  He’s outlived his housemate, his siblings, and his neighbors. That is amazing on it’s own.  He looks a bit white in the face, but he runs, jumps, plays and is overall very healthy. People that don’t know how old he is guess about 8 or 9.   He doesn’t have trouble jumping up on the couch, and he takes nothing for arthritis except occasional glucosamine. I credit this to the mini doxies I have (Birdie age 5 above) and his boyfriend Weiner Schnitzel (age 5 as well.)

Buford is truly amazing.

Two weeks before Christmas in 2010, I lost my mother to colo-rectal cancer.  While still in shock, Buford was diagnosed with it also.  I looked in his face and asked my dog not to die because I really couldn’t handle anymore.   He underwent a surgery to remove the tumor and his anal glands in April 2011.

Initial diagnosis (Sonagram $440.00) , pre blood work, medicines, surgery ($1817) and follow up.   = $2800.00

He was living cancer free up until a few months ago with periodic six month sonagrams and regular old man visits.  $2000 over 18 months…

(Costs of  Sonagram $349 (recheck)and usual old man blood work $200)

His last sonogram was in August 2012 showing no regrowth. His blood tests were normal then as well, liver function, etc.   ($500.00 sonagram / recheck)

I did notice he was urinating a lot and drinking a lot. I knew he wasn’t himself.  Due to the fact these tests seemed fine, my vet tested him for Cushing’s Disease…which he did a blood panel and tested negative for.  ($400) So he was okay, right?  Maybe just old age and can’t hold his bladder. Note: He was going outside to pee, just would pee more often than usual, getting up about 2 times a night to go outside when he would normally sleep though.)

By December 2013 he was going outside three times a night.

In  January 2013 his blood tests came back perfect ($250) but the sonagram ($350) revealed the cancer had returned and was housed in two pelvic lymph nodes. I was in shock because it must have been hiding.

The lymph node which is usually 1c has grown to 3.5CM and obviously is pushing on the colon or intestine or something! This seems to be a direct link as to why he’s peeing so much.


I’m supposed to sit and wait for my little friend to die? (I know, that’s what old dogs are supposed to do. The irony of it is, I hate cancer for taking my mom, so I’m determined to try to fight back.)

The regular vet tells me that this is a slow growing cancer and that although Buford is in overall good health not to do the chemo as that will surely kill him.  I investigated online and of course, there’s Coppers Journey. and numerous posts much like his.  I can’t put Buford though that.  To do that is to give me and him false hopes.

Chemo is the killer.

Cancer is the enemy.

I did some research. Everything I’ve read on line correlates lymph node cancer to lymphoma. The vet is not calling it that. Why not? I don’t know.  I personally don’t consider it slow growing if it’s went from 1 cm to 3.5 cm in a few months, do you?  Problem is, if you remove those nodes, the cancer quite possibly will spread elsewhere, to another place, more deadly.

I’m not in denial. My dog has cancer in his nodes and it’s only a matter of time before it spreads and this will kill him.

If I let it.

Damn you cancer. You must stop taking everyone I love. (grandfather, grandmother, mother, and now my dog? )

I think long and hard as to what my goal is and if I can realistically do it:

1. Make him as comfortable as possible.   YES I CAN!

2. Boost his system so when he does go, it’s not so hard on him. YES I CAN!

2. Don’t let the cancer kick his ass.   STEP BACK CANCER, YOU MUST STOP TAKING EVERYONE I LOVE.

That’s it. Very simple. To do this, I need some help…….

I read until my eyes hurt.

============Buford’s overall health is  now : shaky. He senses I’m a nervous wreck. He’s out eating grass and hasn’t had a solid bowel movement in two days. Hubby thinks he’s sick.  I am not just going to sit here. Time to move….